Our goal is to support Hungarian companies that want to expand in the German-speaking countries, build a business, look for a German or Austrian sales manufacturer or strategic partner, and look for other business or investment opportunities. Our team provides you information about the economic and business environment, presents typical trends and potential opportunities, provides information on economic and legal issues, seeks out potential business opportunities and business partners for you, and supports your target market sales.

We are a consulting firm in Budapest / Ungarn

Founder & managing partner

Dr. Ferenc Károly Csordás (1977)
Lawyer (ELTE, Budapest, 2013 JD)
Macroeconomist (Nuremberg-Erlangen / Germany 2005)
Commercial economist (FH; Hungary, 2000)
Many years of professional experience in various large and multinational companies in Hungary and Germany.
Former scholarship holder of the Free State of Bavaria
Legal notice

Site owner: Ungarnconsulting Kft.
Managing director: Hr. Dr. Ferenc K. Csordas
Registered office: H-1027 Budapest, Kandó K. u. 4.
Office: H-1027 Budapest, Bem József u. 8.
Tel.: + 36 20 476 8058
E-Mail: info@ungarnconsulting.hu
EU-VAT-indentification-number: HU25133327
Companies' register number: 18-09-101824